Friday, 19 October 2012

Are Twins Really Identical?

Kian and Remee Hodgson with their parents

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart (Jeremiah 1:5)

I’ve always found identical twins and the stories of twins fascinating.

Like Kian and Remee Hodgson born to the same mum, one minute apart – yet one is black and the other white.

Or 27-year-old Lebanese identical twins Hassan and Abbas Owhose DNA was found at the crime scene when $6.8 million worth of jewelry were snatched from the cases of Kaufhaus des Westens, a luxurious seven-story German department store. Despite the evidence linking them to the heist they could not be charged as the court ruling declared, "From the evidence we have, we can deduce that at least one of the brothers took part in the crime, but it has not been possible to determine which one." 

Then there is the case of James Arthur Springer and his identical twin, James Edward Lewis. The twin boys were separated at birth, adopted by different families. Unknown to each other, both families named their sons Jim. Both boys sought law-enforcement training and had abilities in mechanical drawing and carpentry. Each married women named Linda. They both had sons whom one named James Alan and the other named James Allan. The twin brothers also divorced their wives and married other women – both named Betty. And they both owned dogs which they named Toy. Jim Lewis and Jim Springer finally met in February 9, 1979 after 39 years of being separated.

Despite their similarities, the two "Jim"s had obvious differences too. They styled their hair differently, and one preferred to communicate verbally whilst the other was more fluent when writing.

No matter how alike twins may seem, they are of course fundamentally different.

Twins may look very alike physically but each is a unique personality.

The difference lies in their soul.

The soul is often described as your mind, will and emotions.

Your soul is where your personality resides.

Your soul is what gives rise to your character.

Your soul is the wellspring of your personality, passion, values and strengths.

Your soul contains your sub-conscious mind – your beliefs, attitudes, memories and feelings.

Your soul houses your conscious mind – your thinking, reasoning and imagining.

Your soul is the seat of your will – your ability to make choices.

The changes that are occurring in you as you learn from my blog posts are taking place in your soul.

Learn more about developing an empowering belief system in the next post.

James Arthur Springer and James Edward Lewis

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